Thursday, December 11, 2014

Works Cited Page: Part 2

Title of books and periodicals are underlined or italicized consistently, while titles of short works and articles are quoted. Entries to the works cited page shouldn't be numbered, and should be doubled-space.

Works Cited Page: Part 1

The title at the top of the works cited page should be "Works Cited", which should be an inch from the top of the paper. Make sure that the title isn't underlined or quoted. Make sure that all the entries are sorted in alphabetical order according to the author's last name or first entry.

Mechanics 101

Make sure that you go back in your essay and check for things like:

  1. Check the margins so they are at one inch
  2. There aren't any sentence fragments: which is when a sentence doesn't contain an independent clause
  3. All grammar is correct! Including capitalization and punctuation. 
  4. Make sure you don't use any contractions, for example don't, shouldn't, etc.
  5. Correct prepositions
  6. No unnecessary shifts of verb tense.

Important Notes for the Conclusion

Make sure your conclusion doesn't include phrases like "In this paper you have learned..." and "Now that you've read my paper...", it makes it sound like you are doubting that your reader didn't understand your point. Also make sure you don't restate the opening statement and leave the reader with something to think about.


The page title, References,should be
  • Centered
  • 1 inch from the top of the page 
  • starts a new page
  • Standard 12-point font 
  • No effects (Bold,italics, underlining) 
All sources listed must have at least
  • 1 corresponding in text citation
  • in alphabetical order
  • All lines are double spaced
  • Each entry must have a hanging indent
For electronic articles, DOI is used at the end (optional)

In Text Citations part 2

If the information for the in text citation is included in the body and there are multiple authors, the word "and" is spelled out.

e.g. Jones,Smith, and Black (2010)

If the information for the in text citation is all included in a parenthetical phrase and ampersand is used to separate the next to the last and last authors.

e.g. (Jones, Smith, & Black ,2010)

For six or more authors, cite the SURNAME of the FIRST AUTHOR, and use et al..,the first time that source is used and any subsequent in text citation for that source.
When an author is repeated in a paragraph with no sources mentioned in between,omit the date and for a new paragraph, include all the elements of the in text citation per above.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Body Documentation: Part 3

Another tip to help write your MLA essay correctly  is for long quotes to be indented! Also it is important for the quotes to be double-spaced and without quotation marks! One mistake and your whole essay could be wrong.

Body Documentation: Part 2

Make sure that all your in-text citations match the Works Cited list. Also make sure that each source listed on my Works Cited page is cited at least once within your paper. Also be sure to give credit each time that the information is used, even if it's paraphrased or summarized. These are important points to not forget because it will make your essay less credible.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Body Documentation

Make sure you put parenthesis for the documentation. You can do it by putting the Author's last name and page number (O'Malley 209)

Body Structure and Content: Part 3

Here are some more types when it comes to writing your body paragraphs (:

  • Development of topics with examples/explanations
  • Short quotes used in context
  • Quotes no longer than 4 lines typed
  • Quotes relate directly to main points
  • Conclusions summarizes main points
  • Proper length to cover topic
  • Is well documented with parenthetical notations

Body Structure and Content: Part 2

Also make sure your essay is in a logical organization with smooth, logical transitions used within and between paragraphs..

Body Structure and Content

Now we get to the body paragraphs !!! Firstly make sure that your paragraphs relate to your thesis. Not only your paragraphs but also your main points...

It will be important to do this so that you're essay is coherent.

MLA: Introduction to writing part 4

Another important note to not do is use phrases like:

  • "In this paper you'll learn..."
  • "After reading this paper..."
It makes the paper less interesting and makes it seem like you don't know what you're writing about.

MLA: Introduction to writing part 3

Make sure you don't write any examples of your main point of details!!! It would be bad to write it in your introduction because when it comes to your body paragraphs you wont know what to write since some of your details are in the introduction.

MLA: Introduction part 2

The second part to having an amazing MLA essay is having a strong thesis statement. You need this so you can have amazing body paragraphs!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

MLA Introduction to Writing

When writing an essay in MLA format the first thing you should do is create an interesting hook (: You want to engage the reader and "hook" them into reading your essay.

APA: Hyperlink

To take off the hyperlink on word, highlight the whole link and change the color by clicking on the A with the underlined color in the font section. Click on black or whatever other color you need it to be. While it's highlighted also click on the underlined U to take off the underline in the link.

APA: Italics

To get italics, look to the Home tab, go on the font section and click on the sideways I. 

APA: Commas

To add a comma in your essay between authors, you simply click on the comma key that also has the lower than sign.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

APA: Quotations 2+Indent

All quotations > 40 words are shown as an indented block quote with no additional beginning paragraph indenting. To get the indented block quote you must press the enter key to begin on a new line. Look onto the indentation tab directly above the document and below the menu sections. Slide both ends of the tab one inch towards the center. The quotes will become boxed in the center. Slide the tabs back to it's original setting to keep typing after the quote.

APA: Quotations

All quotations < 40 words are enclosed in quotation marks. To get these quotation marks you must hold down the Shift button and click on the quotations key on the keyboard, laptop keys.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

MLA part 4 page one mechanics

     Another necessity for MLA writing is that the title and the first line should be doubled space! If you already correctly formatted the paper then you should be fine and not worry about your paper being doubled spaced.

MLA part 3 page one mechanics

     Another important aspect of the page one mechanics is making sure the title is not all in caps!! Another thing is that the title can not be underlined or quoted in any way. The title should be your own and can only be capitalized when needed.

MLA mechanics part two: Titling centered

     The title in a MLA paper has to be centered!! The way you do it is you go to the home tab on the top. After you go to the section that says paragraph you can see some lines as shown below.

After finding the lines, click the middle one so that your title is centered

Abstract (optional)

Note: Abstract should be on page 2

Header,without the words, Running head. The header should be ALL CAPS and page number "2" is flush right margin.Page title is centered and 1 inch from the top of the page. Do not use bold, CAPS, font size 12pt. and font style Times New Roman. The whole abstract is 150-250 words and is block style aligned to the left.

MLA part one page one mechanics

     Now after you've done all the correct formatting we can get to the mechanics in page one for your MLA paper!!
     Firstly you have to have the page number on the right corner of your paper. There are two ways to insert the page numbers. The easiest one is to double click at the top of the paper. A box saying header should appear and once it does go ahead and click on the section that says page number.
After you click on page number go to the section that says top of the page and click on plain number 3 so that the page numbers appear on the right side of the paper.
     Be sure to change the font to times new roman and to 12 point font!!!
     The second way to do it is to go to insert on the top tab then look for the section saying page number.
     Then after just follow the steps mentioned above (:

General Formatting

The sequence order should be ; Title Page, (Abstract), Body, References, (Tables), (Figures), (Appendices). The ones that are in parenthesis are optional. The paper title should be written on the first page of the body and the first letter of any major words should be CAPITALIZED.

Remember to use spell check and read through the paper carefully to avoid any typos,left out words and punctuation issues,etc. As you start typing the body, there are no forced page breaks until the body of the paper is finished and ready to type the Reference list.

NO SLANG WORDS. Numbers should be written in text from zero through nine and the rest are Arabic numerals.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

MLA: FAQ part 2

     MLA requires you to write in your own words. Plagiarism is not allowed unless you cite the author or source you are using. In other words don't plagiarize use your own words !!! if you want to use an idea from another author cite the source in your bibliography.


Each page header has the title in all CAPS, starting from the left margin, with the page number flush right, all on the same line. The Header matches what was used on page 1 but the part, Running head, is omitted for the remainder of the pages.

  • The entire document is doubles spaced only.

  • Margins are 1 inch on all sides, top and bottom.

  • Heading levels are consistent with APA 6th ed.


The title page should have a running head that has a SHORT ALL CAPITALIZED TITLE (press Shift + letters or CapsLock). The format should be flush left / aligned left and 1/2 inch space from the top.  "Page number 1" is flush left on the same line of the title. Remember that the title should EXACTLY match the paper title but shortened if needed to accommodate no more than 50 spaces in length, including space.

Title Information

  • The first letter of any major words should be capitalized (4 words or greater)
  • double spaced 
  • centered in the upper half of the page (Ctrl+E)
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12
  • DO NOT use bold, italics, underlining, or abnormal font size
Make sure your name is under the title. It is not bold, underline or abnormal font.

APA: Numeration or Bullet Points

Lists can be enumerated or bulleted. Within a single sentence for short lists use the format, (a),(b), etc. For a list of sentences or short paragraphs, use a list format:

To get the number list, just type the number, ie. "1" and a period and the text will automatically add the next number in the sequence. 

For bullet points click on the Home tab. Go to the paragraph section. Click on the first box on the top row or on the arrow to customize bullet point style.

APA: Indentation

Paragraphs in the body of the paper are indented 5-7 spaces or one tab only.To indent the paragraph you go onto the Home tab and look onto the Paragraph section. Look on the top row and click on the 5th from the left Indent Box. This will indent your essay one tab space exactly. 


You may wonder if you should have extra spaces or not when writing in MLA format ?
To answer that question you shouldn't. It seems really unprofessional and seems like you are just wasting space. Also your paper is already being double space so it is unnecessary to add an extra space. This is how it should look

APA: Plagiarism

You must not plagiarize any information in the program. It varies as to the placement of direct information whether it will be used or not. 

MLA: One inch Margins

MLA also requires you to use one inch margins, but what if you dont know how to change it? 
The first step is to go on the tab that says home, insert, page layout, etc. 
You're going to click on page layout and then after click on margins. After your're going to have options to choose from and you have to choose normal so that it automatically goes to separating the page to one inch margins.

APA: Double Space 2

Keep the rest double spaced by making sure the double spaced box is marked. It is not meant to be bold, underlined, or abnormal.

MLA Changing the Font Color

MLA uses only black for the font color, but what happens if the color is different like lets say a red or a blue; what should you do? The first thing you have to do is go to the section on home that says font. Once you found it you should look for a symbol with an A with a red line on the bottom. Click on the button and you should choose either black or the one that says automatic. Both are the color black so it doesnt matter. 
click the font color button and choose a color

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

APA: Double Space

To double space the institutional affiliation you must look to the paragraph section in the home tab of the word document. Click on the fifth to the left image from the second row where there are two arrows pointing down and up. Choose the number 2.0 and your paper will become double spaced after that.

MLA: Double Spacing

  After you need to check if your paper is double spaced. You can change the format of the paragraph by going on home, looking for the tab that says paragraph and clicking the little arrow that is located on the lower right of the tab. After clicking the arrow a tab should open that says Paragraph, once that opens look for the heading that says line spacing. Once found change the spacing from multiple to double spacing. 

MLA Format: Changing the font ✌️

     MLA Format will be a very important tool you will need to know when it comes to writing research papers in high school and especially in college. If you are typing your research paper on Microsoft Word 2007 the first step you'll need to take is to make sure your font(which is located on the upper left corner) is set to a 12 point font.
  After you have to check if the font is in Times New Roman. Usually the default settings will set the font to Calibri so you have to go to the font section and change it to Times New Roman.