Thursday, December 11, 2014

Works Cited Page: Part 2

Title of books and periodicals are underlined or italicized consistently, while titles of short works and articles are quoted. Entries to the works cited page shouldn't be numbered, and should be doubled-space.

Works Cited Page: Part 1

The title at the top of the works cited page should be "Works Cited", which should be an inch from the top of the paper. Make sure that the title isn't underlined or quoted. Make sure that all the entries are sorted in alphabetical order according to the author's last name or first entry.

Mechanics 101

Make sure that you go back in your essay and check for things like:

  1. Check the margins so they are at one inch
  2. There aren't any sentence fragments: which is when a sentence doesn't contain an independent clause
  3. All grammar is correct! Including capitalization and punctuation. 
  4. Make sure you don't use any contractions, for example don't, shouldn't, etc.
  5. Correct prepositions
  6. No unnecessary shifts of verb tense.

Important Notes for the Conclusion

Make sure your conclusion doesn't include phrases like "In this paper you have learned..." and "Now that you've read my paper...", it makes it sound like you are doubting that your reader didn't understand your point. Also make sure you don't restate the opening statement and leave the reader with something to think about.


The page title, References,should be
  • Centered
  • 1 inch from the top of the page 
  • starts a new page
  • Standard 12-point font 
  • No effects (Bold,italics, underlining) 
All sources listed must have at least
  • 1 corresponding in text citation
  • in alphabetical order
  • All lines are double spaced
  • Each entry must have a hanging indent
For electronic articles, DOI is used at the end (optional)

In Text Citations part 2

If the information for the in text citation is included in the body and there are multiple authors, the word "and" is spelled out.

e.g. Jones,Smith, and Black (2010)

If the information for the in text citation is all included in a parenthetical phrase and ampersand is used to separate the next to the last and last authors.

e.g. (Jones, Smith, & Black ,2010)

For six or more authors, cite the SURNAME of the FIRST AUTHOR, and use et al..,the first time that source is used and any subsequent in text citation for that source.
When an author is repeated in a paragraph with no sources mentioned in between,omit the date and for a new paragraph, include all the elements of the in text citation per above.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Body Documentation: Part 3

Another tip to help write your MLA essay correctly  is for long quotes to be indented! Also it is important for the quotes to be double-spaced and without quotation marks! One mistake and your whole essay could be wrong.